Super Yarn™ technology is a quantum leap in the advancement of SYNthetic turf products. SYNLawn's Super Yarn technology changes the landscape of the turf industry by binding three incredible features into one extruded grass yarn formulation. Bound at the molecular level, Super Yarn combines Sanitized® antimicrobial technology with DualChill™ IR reflective technology, and StatBlock™ anti-static technology to create the first of its kind artificial grass fiber.
- SYNLawn Super Yarn™ is the first fifth generation turf product produced and presented to the market.
- Super Yarn technology binds each additive to the molecular level of the fiber meaning that you cannot reach down and remove one element.
- SYNLawn is the only company in the industry to combine these three molecular components into a single yarn package.

- Sanitized® silver-based antimicrobial technology helps eliminate pet odors and provides long lasting protection.
- Works by eliminating bacterial odors and preventing the buildup of microbes on SYNLawn face fibers.
- Used for centuries, thus meaning the additive is very dependable and extremely safe.
- Infrared light is a detriment to turf. DualChill™ acts as a thermal shield ensuring IR is not absorbed into the fibers.
- DualChill's ability to act as a thermal shield strengthens the fibers allowing them to be more resilient and durable over long time periods.
- Test results done on the same fiber package, with and without DualChill™, shows that there is an average of up to 42% improvement in IR reflectivity.
- New carbon-based anti-static ingredient molecularly bound into the face fiber that inhibits the buildup of static electricity.
- Anti-static components are used in the industry but SYNLawn brings the first DNA level addition.
- Testing shows up to a 17x reduction in static levels when StatBlock™ is introduced into the SYNthetic turf fibers.